Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I went to the redistricting meeting last night and Michaela will not have to change schools next year! We are very happy and it was fun to see our neighborhood mobilize against any change. The meeting was packed- I'd bet there was about two hundred people there- and thankfully everyone generally left very happy.
In other news, Jenna is feeling much better and the color in her cheeks is back. Michaela had her second swimming lesson yesterday and loved it. We had a fun day being with her- she was off for a teacher's conference day- and we went to our little playgroup (M was the big shot)in the morning and then stopped at McDonald's for lunch, along with every other stay at home mom and their kids in Delmar. Michaela was pretty punchy by the afternoon so the swim lesson helped her blow off some energy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Che-I too am glad she and J will be at Slingerlands-it is nice and close to home. Delmar matrons and masters at the meeting must have been a hoot to witness! Don't mess with educated people's kids! Love, Mommy