Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I am listing these things that I am sooo thankful for:
1. Our air conditioner is now fixed- and it was at no cost to us.
2. We now have a prettier, smaller thermostat on our wall for the heat and a/c.
3. I am almost caught up from the laundry from all the mess this weekend. (See previous post.)
4. We have hot water and now know how to relight our pilot light.
5. Jenna has not been sick in over 24 hours.
6. We had our first-of-the-season cookout last night and had a great time.
7. Jenna's belated birthday cake was delicious.
8. My mom was kind enought to take the girls for an hour this morning so I could get stuff done uninterrupted. (See #3 above.)
9. I have a wonderful husband who loves to clean out refridgerators (see previous post).
10. I have two beautiful girls who are the loves of my life.

The bad news: Michaela told me this morning she feels like she's going to throw up. Stay tuned.

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