Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A la Groundhog Day- the movie.

So yesterday I brought M to the doctor's and she has the left ear infection. We went to CVS and got flavored Amoxicillan to save the day.
Jenna wakes me up at about 3:45am and tells me her ear hurts.
So today I brought J to the doctor's and she has a left ear infection. We went to CVS and got flavored Amoxicillan to save the day.

Thankfully, I do not have any more children with ears.

For a little comic relief, I thought I'd compile a list of some of the phrases that have been uttered to me in the middle of the night, rousing me out of a dead sleep, over the past week or so.

My ear hurts. (Michaela)
I have to pee. (My bladder)
Is my hand gonna break? (Jenna)
There is a bee in my room. (Jenna)
My tooth is really, really loose and I'm afraid I'm going to swallow it. (Michaela)
Cough, cough, hack, hack. (Jenna)
I wanna watch tv. (Jenna)
The tv's not wor-tin'. (Jenna)
I have to pee!!! (My bladder)
My ear hurts. (Jenna)
This is the worst night's sleep I've had in a long time. (Danny)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could NOT make this stuff up! You certainly deserve a special Mother's Day this year for MANY reasons! Only 2 more days til Danny comes home! Reinforcements! Love, Mommy