Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Loooong Night

This was the sequence of events at our house on Sunday night.
9:45 pm: Mommy remembers that Michaela has homework due tomorrow- a description of a family tradition must be written and illustrated, using a photo or a drawing. M chooses to use a photo, so we print that and slave over a five sentence paragraph about coloring Easter eggs. Jenna, meanwhile, wants in on the action, so she gets out paper and a pen and asks me, "How you 'pell Jenna?" Her pen doesn't work well, though, so I make several trips back to M's room to find a functional marker. As I pass our room, I speak to Dan in a somewhat sarcastic (well...very sarcastic) tone that it must be nice to be able to lie down in bed covered in a blanket and watch whatever you want on tv and doze. He is not receptive.
10 pm: Michaela is tucked in and Jenna and I go in the living room to lay down and go night-night.
10:07 pm: Jenna decides it would be more fun to lay down with Daddy and go night-night. Mommy stays in the living room and watches tv.
11pm: Mommy has fallen fast asleep.
12:30 am: Mommy wakes up to find a hunting show on tv. Must have changed the channel while asleep. Mommy turns off the lights on the Christmas tree and shuffles down to her room to move Jenna into her crib for the night.
12:31am: As Mommy picks up Jenna, Jenna asks,"Why you pitting me up?" Mommy almost drops Jenna. "Why are you still awake?" Mommy replies. Mommy and Jenna shuffle back down to the living room to go back on the couch.
1:20 am: Thinking that Jenna has surely fallen asleep by now, Mommy stands up, ready to bring a sleeping Jenna to her crib. Jenna asks, "Why are you 'tanding up?" Mommy's brain says a lot of bad words and she lays down again.
3:30 am: After watching a rerun of Meet the Press (an hour long interview with Mitt Romney- Mommy knows how to PARTY!!) Mommy decides she's had enough and it's time for Jenna to be put in her crib. Jenna wakes up again as she's being transferred and screams bloody murder when she is put in her crib.
3:35 am: Mommy goes back in and tells Jenna to lay down and falls asleep.
3:45 am: Daddy goes in, tells Jenna to lay down and go to sleep and gets her the drink of water she requests. Jenna settles down.
4 am: Everyone is asleep.
7:04 am: Jenna wakes up for the day. Arghhh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, if you didn't experience this, you would never BELIEVE it! Kids ARE the great levelers-they will KILL you and then they smile at you and all is forgiven! Wa thought you would never make it to 2 years old because you never slept, Che! a couple of times he saved you life by getting to you first before I did! And now look at you---you'd sleep through the night if it weren't for kids! Love, Mommy