Sunday, September 23, 2007


Two funny things have popped out of Michaela's mouth in the last few days...
Today we were in the nursery at church and she jumped off of a slide and came off of it a bit quicker than she anticipated. Landing safely, she stood up and stated, "That scared the hell out of me!" I wasn't sure who I was more worried about hearing her comment: the elderly woman helping me in the nursery or the three other 2 year olds I was caring for who are prone to repeat what they've heard. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice and we were off the hook.
The other incident happened last week. Michaela likes to practice rhyming words in the car- I think they do lots of rhyming in class as reading-readiness exercises- so she'll tell me an ending sound and we have to rhyme it: Cat, mat, fat, hat, etc. She suggested the "it" sound and we went through the ones you'd expect: mit, hit, kit, fit, bit - and she proudly and totally without any idea what she was saying said "shit!" I coughed so she couldn't hear me laugh and told her that it's not a nice word.

In other Michaela news, she was fabulously successful in her soccer game today- she scored two goals!! She was so proud and so were we. I was so happy for her to enjoy some good times after a tough week at school. She is having trouble in the mornings, crying and saying she doesn't want to be at school all day. When she returns home, she is energetic and full of stories and in good spirits so I think she is fine while she is there. It's a HUGE adjustment... so many new changes and routines both at school and at home (all of us have had to get used to getting up and ready by 9am). Friday was the first day of the week she only cried at home and not at school and she was very proud of that. She is excited about going back to school and loves the art class she has on Monday at school. Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow morning goes smoothly!

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