On Columbus Day, Dan had taken the day off and it was a perfect opportunity to do a fun, fall-type activity with our family. The weather was beautiful and we gave a few options to the girls, and the clear winner was going apple picking. So off we went.

The girls were great pickers and filled up our bag with apples, after we found the trees that hadn't been picked clean. (At one point, we were wandering around the orchard in the KENDALL APPLES section, looking at empty tree after empty tree as I pushed my strapping 30+ pound son in a stroller over uneven ground covered in fallen, rotting apples. And did I mention it was about 85 degrees outside? It gave me flashbacks to when Dan and I went to a pick your own pumpkin patch, which we thought was so cute and harvest-y and romantic, and what we actually found was a picked-over field of marginal pumpkins surrounded by thick dying vines and rotting gourds. Not quite as picture-perfect as it sounded.) But we did find trees laden with fruit in another section and everyone enjoyed helping. Well, Alec enjoyed eating and watching.
Dan and I also wanted to go to a state park near us that has a fantastic beautiful overlook.

I love this picture, especially Michaela's face as Jenna looks through the binoculars. Those binoculars have been there for at least 30 years, and if you go to the overlook, it's always required that you pop in a few quarters and have a look at the landscape below you.

I got some great pictures of the girls. Alec was less than willing to be photographed.

It was a lovely day and I got some great shots of the kids. But I have to admit that when we got home, I collapsed onto my bed face down, slept for an hour, and when I woke up I was aching from sleeping so hard.
Family fun sure can tire you out sometimes.
OH, HOW I LOVE seeing those traditional Albany Fall spots!! Did you get warm donuts at Indian Ladder? Love, LW
Wonderful pics from a great day! I can taste those apples! Nice that your kids can enjoy some of the same treats as you did, Cheryl, as a child! The Illinois Davies have a terrific spot to pick too and we loved sharing that with them. Love, Gammie and Pop Pop
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