We just got back yesterday from a weekend in Chicago with my brother and his wife and daughters. His almost-three-month old daughter, Megan, was being baptized and Dan and I were honored to serve as her sponsors.
We had great flights both to and fro and overall, the travelling went smoothly. I took 347 pictures -seriously- while we were there, so I can't possibly post all of them, but will be telling some fun stories this week about our trip.
What I can say is that Brian and Beth were wonderful hosts, the food was excellent, the church service was very moving, and we desperately needed time away from the stress and anxiety of selling a house, buying a new house, raising three kids and life in general.
I am able to face this week with a new attitude and new energy.
This picture makes my heart sing-three of our grandchildren holding
hands and loving each other! We sure did have a wonderful time! Love, Mommy
Can't wait to see 346 more pictures of your joyous time together....keep 'em coming! Love, LW
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