We've hit another fun milestone in the Libutti household: Jenna has graduated to a new booster seat. Gone is the tricky five-point harness; gone is the gymnastics one must perform to get the old carseat in and out of the car; gone is the wide, space-hogging base of her old seat. Now we are slick and sleek and easy with a high-backed booster and able to use the regular seat belt. Hallelujah!

We put the seat together this morning and of course the girls were very excited to use it. We found a cute cup holder and snack tray hidden underneath the base of the seat, so Michaela sprung into action and whipped up some microwave popcorn to test it out. At 8:45am.
Only the Libutti girls could make a booster seat into an EVENT! Adorable! Is hot chocolate in the future for this snow day? Love, Gammie
NOW you can even tackle a trip to Williamsburg....I'll pop enough popcorn to get you home! Love, LW
Can't wait to have 2 5 point harness car seats in the car!! Hope all is well with you.
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