Can you believe that? Second grader? How is this possible? How can my little baby, who I stared at for hours as she slept while I held her, be old enough to be in second grade? But, alas, it is true and today is our official First Day of Summer Vacation. Michaela had a birthday party to go to today and I was a bit irrationally annoyed that I had a structured activity to plan around today. But she had a great time- they had a cotton candy making machine and a huge dragon Bouncy-Bounce you could climb inside of- and now I am little calmer.
We went to a local bookstore today to get the gift for the party and I told the girls they could each get a book (you know, to spur on that summer-time reading and all, just like a Good Mother would do) and of course we walked out with two stuffed dogs. And no books.
We have officially spent more money on stuffed dogs than we would have if had just bought a real dog and housed, fed and groomed it for the last four years.
Anyway, before first grade slipped by, Michaela had an Open House at school and showed off her pictures, poems, and writing from the last few months. It was fantastic! Her poems were wonderful, including my favorite, Ode to a Cupcake. (See picture below.) Michaela is a great writer and it was a joy to see her grow this year in every area. Here are a few pics from the night. 

I cannot BELIEVE M is a second grader-that sounds SO old. The same age when you had Aunt Kathy, Cheryl! Happy summer to ALL the Libuttis! Gammie
We love the poem and cupcakes too! Looks like a great evening, wish we had been there.
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