... and now to this:

Both were very exciting, necessitating trips to the nurses' office at school, attention from classmates, some bleeding and fairly high drama levels. Last Tuesday the first one came out at home in the evening after bleeding in school and receiving a Treasure Chest from the nurse to put her tooth into when it did fall out. We had offered for weeks to pull that sucker out but she would get very panic-stricken and refuse. She finally popped it out herself and I think was quite relieved that the first one was out. We put the tooth in the Treasure Chest and the Tooth Fairy came that night and brought her $5 since it was her first one.
The second tooth came out today. While brushing her teeth this morning three minutes before the bus came, I heard shrieking coming from the bathroom. I rushed down the hall, expecting to see a limb missing and instead found a bleeding floppy bottom tooth. I have no idea how it was staying in her mouth it was so loose; it literally was on it's side, laying down in her mouth. I reassured her it was okay, grabbed some tissues, and offered to pull it out. I was yelling for her to calm down, Michaela was shrieking, and Jenna, ever the careful observer, was yelling, "Wus a matter?!? Wus a matter?!? Is it beeding??" It was quite the scene.
Of course at that moment the bus roared by and I had to add dropping Michaela off at school to my list of things to do before Jenna's dentist appointment at 10am. As we were driving to school, Michaela was strategizing about her upcoming meals (anyone who knows Dan knows that she is HIS daughter): "It's a good thing we're having spaghetti for lunch tomorrow because that is soft... I can eat my granola bar at snack time on the side of my mouth... my sandwich is soft, so that'll be okay..." Honestly.
It turns out she lost the tooth before snack time (thank goodness... she was very concerned about swallowing the tooth until I told her she'll just poop it out and that made her giggle) and brought it home in a little plastic tooth holder she got from the school nurse. I think she feels really grown up and special now that her big girl teeth are growing in. She also is thrilled about getting cash money from the Tooth Fairy.
Jenna, meanwhile, is not so thrilled about ANOTHER creature she's not familiar with coming into the house while she sleeps. First was Santa, who was somewhat redeemed by the fact he brought lots of new baby dolls; then came the Easter Bunny, who she was very suspicious of, and now the Tooth Fairy? Too much for one cautious and smart two year old to deal with. On Easter Eve Jenna actually wouldn't go to bed because she was afraid of the Easter Bunny coming in the house. Finally, at 10:45 pm, we put the carrots and note to the Easter Bunny outside on the front steps and told her he would "magically send the baskets inside". Problem solved. I can only hope none of the neighbors saw us.
Lastly, let me introduce the three newest members of the Jenna Baby Doll Collection: Boy Baby, Girl Baby, and "Baby Tate" (Baby Kate to those who can't say K's)/Girl Baby.

Who needs to have more kids????
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