Several girls from her troop also attended and they all sat at the same table. The food was extremely kid-friendly and they had a DJ, a professional photographer (the same photographer who did our wedding) and a great time was had by all. Michaela's soccer coach, Coach Tim, was there with his daughter and he even busted out the tux for the event. They were there for three hours and the DJ played great music and had lots of contests and activities for them to do. Michaela came home very happy with a goodie bag and a pink long stemmed rose. The whole thing was adorable and they both had a great time.
Michaela, Grace, Camille and Erin dancing it up at the party
Michaela, who is just starting to understand the whole boy/girl, boyfriends/ love/romance gig, was totally grossed out /embarrassed by Dan calling the evening a "date" and kept saying to him, "Don't call it a date!!" and then giggling wildly.
Jenna and I hung out together while they were gone. We made a fun evening out of it and went swimming at the Y, or the YMCH as Jenna calls it, and then McDonald's for a little dinner. A fun night.

Michaela and Jenna before the dance...
Jenna is very proud of her swimsuit and her Dippies (flip flops)
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