Yay! Lip Sync 2008 was last night and it was a great success! 34 groups of kids - that's about 200 kids- from Michaela's elementary school performed two and a half minute songs each and the audience, filled with parents, grandparents, siblings and friends, who welcomed every act. Most groups were all girls or all boys and they differed greatly: most of the girl groups were highly choreographed with lots of dancing and synchronized moves while the boy groups tended to rely more on jumping up and down and sliding on their knees to the edge of the stage.
It was a packed house, as you can imagine, with eager family members three or four deep standing up in the back of the filled auditorium. We got there an hour early to get a good seat and my Christian values were tested as a woman on crutches approached our row. I had specifically chosen an end seat so I could video and take pictures unobstructed. As our row was filling in, a family member of the woman with crutches asked her, "Do you want to sit on the end?" and I thought, "No!! NO!! I've dragged my kid to four weeks' worth of rehearsals for this moment and I am going to see it from the aisle! ...But... I really should give her the seat if she needs it...Please don't say yes. Please don't say yes." But before I had to decide, the woman on crutches very nimbly took a seat down our row. Problem solved.
The last group was the staff of the school doing "Be True to Your School", complete with the principal doing a rockin' guitar solo. It was a great way to end the night. We got there at 5:30pm and left at 9:15pm (yes, that's over two and a half HOURS of lip sync-ing), so you can imagine we all were ready for bed when we got home.
So, without further ado, here are pictures of Michaela before the show:

And with much excitement, I offer you video of the Big Performance -Michaela is second from the left:
I love the Internet!
We were so proud of M and the work she put into it. It's not easy to perform in front of 450+ people when you're six years old.
Great job, Michaela!!
Michaela was CLEARLY the star of THAT number and I am NOT biased! Love, Her grandmother
I wish we could have been there - can't get into the video, but will keep trying. She looked like a real star - it doesn't hurt that she's so photogenic. Love, Juj
Just got into the video - she did an amazing job - really had the moves down pat - when is the autograph session and will it be at SUNY's performing arts center so ALL her fans can be there. Juj
Bravo Michaela! Your Cousin Kate loved your video and so did Uncle Brian and Aunt Bethie. What a star!
LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing -- I'll watch it over and over!
~ Dana (mom of Erin - 3rd from the left)
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