Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Keeping up with the Big Girls
(Sorry it's sideways!! I am trying to fix this.)
Monday, February 25, 2008
That's why I love Mondays... a fresh start to the week.
We had a nice weekend... Michaela wanted to do a Project on Sunday so we headed down to Walmart and bought various craft supplies and made finger puppets out of an old glove. Each finger represents one of us in our family, complete with yarn hair and ribbon and felt clothing. It was fun to do and got out some of my creative energy.
Dan did a Project on Sunday, too: he put a little WD40 on a creaky hinge on his armoire and now it is silent as night. Heaven. For years that hinge has woke me up every morning as Dan is getting dressed and I am trying to eke out my last 30 minutes of sleep before Jenna, my human alarm clock, wakes up and starts crying.
Sometimes it is the smallest of things that brings such great joy.
Other highlights:
- Saw Michael Clayton and LOVED, loved, loved, loved it. Go rent it. Tonight.
- Saw House of Sand and Fog and liked it but was very haunted by it. What a tragic story.
- Finished reading a Judy-recommended book, Abide with Me, and loved it. It's about a 1950's rural New England minister who is coping with the loss of his wife a year before. A great book about small towns and crises of faith.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I had that chance to fall in love
the thing is
I didn't think it was worth it anymore
responsibilities spoke louder, I guess
instead I chose to walk the other way
and be here
I had that chance to leave this mess
but isn't it funny
how I stayed put
saddled up and harnessed
caught horse
instead I chose to call it love
this hard drive
I am riding into the sunset.
I tried one day when we were listening to this song in the car to explain to Michaela that she has the choice to do and be anything she wants to be in life and what an exciting opportunity that is. To me, that is one of the best things about having children... instilling the idea that anything is possible to them through dedication, hard work and blessings from God.
I then started thinking about my choices: my spouse, my job, my house, my church, my friends, my time, my life. How did I get to where I am today? How did it turn out that today I did the things I did? (It was VERY exciting- fed my kids, made beds, did laundry, talked on the phone to Dan and my mom, got dressed, drove Michaela to VBS, talked with some other moms, went grocery shopping, wrote this blog entry.)
Can you think of five choices you've made that have brought you to were you are today?
I've got to believe that the biggest choice that impacted my life today is going to Plattsburgh for college... I changed my major there, met my husband there and set the course for my life. The rest seems to have happened out of that framework. Had I gone somewhere else, I may have ended up doing something more high-powered than social work, not met Dan, gone to get advanced degrees beyond my Master's Degree, not had children, lived in a more urban setting. Or maybe not. Would I be happier? Dissatisfied? Empty? Fulfilled? Richer? Poorer? Thinner? Fatter?
Food for thought... what got you to where you are today?
I'd love to hear any and all thougths you have.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Uppers and Downers
Downer: Went to Walmart the other day. Picked out a cart. One of the front wheels refused to turn. Nothing makes me feel more like an overindulged, white, middle class, suburban, pampered whiner than complaining about how annoying my cart was to push at Walmart....but it WAS really annoying.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lip Sync!!

I love the Internet!
We were so proud of M and the work she put into it. It's not easy to perform in front of 450+ people when you're six years old.
Great job, Michaela!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Religious Revelations
Horrified, Michaela snaps her head towards me and says, "That's BLOOD??!!??"
"No," I whisper. "It's wine."
Why she was tuned in last night to this after coming to the communion rail every two weeks for the last six and a half years, I'll never know.
As we were walking away, she whispers to me, "That wine kinda stinks."
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Re: Christmas Decorations
To: The World
From: Cheryl
It's February 9th.
Take down the Christmas wreaths, trees, bows, yard signs, kissing balls, icicle lights and garland.
It's also time to put away the faded-paint-covered hollow plastic illuminated nativity sets.
The Christmas season will be back in 8 months and you can enjoy it again then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Related story: When I was about 13, my mom made me call our local nursery/greenhouse and ask if they had kissing balls. I was completely mortified just saying the word "balls" to a stranger (now I know that everything at 13 is mortifying). It is a famous story in our family and I bring it up every year as further evidence of my Dickinsonian childhood.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Too much tv, too much time
For the uninitiated, Rock of Love is a reality show in which Bret Michaels, former frontman of the 1980's rock band Poison, is looking for love by "dating" a bunch of women who are all living together in the same house. They are mostly strippers. They get drunk, try to make out with Bret, and if he likes them, he gives them a pass at the end of the episode and asks each one- I am not making this up- "Will you stay and continue to rock my world?" (notice the band/music theme going on here?). It's horrifying and addicting and terribly cheesy and represents all that is wrong with pop culture at the same time.
I like to get fashion tips from the girls.
In the same vein, last night I flicked between African American Lives (Henry Louis Gates traces the geneology of famous African Americans with astouding results) and Project Runway, which usually isn't too trashy but last night they were designing outfits for wrestling divas of the WWE. Lots of sequins, lots of gold and silver lame` and lots of spandex.
And lots of fake boobs.
Again, fashion tips were plentiful.
Please, please end the Writers' strike.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Reality vs. Dreams

Jenna played with her babies.
These are the ones in the Daily Rotation.
Mommy unleashed her inner elementary school teacher by organizing a fraction of our arts and crafts supplies. I also bought bins for the babies and their clothes and bottles and diapers and wipes and food and bibs but Jenna cried and told me the babies most certainly do NOT want to go into a bin. So I put a blanket in the bottom of it and made it soft and cushy and "see how much the babies like it now?" and that was okay.
Mommy also spent alot of time this week on attitude adjustments and explaining that just because Mommy is the Mommy, she is no one's servant and everyone needs to pay attention when she speaks and not blow her off and be grateful for what Mommy does for us. We also worked on tone of voice and speaking kindly to each other.
Especially when talking to Mommy.
Mommy was kind of cranky this week.
Mommy needs another 12 hour cropping day. Or a day on a warm beach. Or a week on a warm beach with Daddy and lots of spa services.
A girl can dream.