So it turns out Michaela DOES have strep throat. She is home today and on antibiotics. She woke up yesterday complaining of a sore throat and "my tummy feels sorta very grumpy" which I thought was a pretty good way of describing it. She stayed home from school and we all went to the doctor in the morning and got our confirming diagnosis. Michaela is in good spirits, though, and you'd really barely know she was sick. I think she is thrilled to be able to stay home for a few days with Mommy and Jenna and we are happy to have her with us (Jenna cried after Michaela got on the bus on Monday). Jenna is also thrilled that the trip to the doctor was not for her... she usually carries on pretty well at her well baby visits and this time was much more interested in the world around her. She even started asking as we were leaving, "Where the docturrrr?" and when we showed her his office in the next room, she said,"OOhhhhh!" like you had explained the mysteries of the universe to her.
In Mommy news, I attended my very first PTA meeting yesterday and felt like I had graduated to the next level of motherhood: elementary school mom. It actually was quite interesting (found out lots of details about the bomb threat the district received on the first day of school... how fun!) and met some nice, non-annoying women. Our district is moving from a half-day to full day kindergarten program and is also re-districting all the kids among the five elementary schools so lots of changes are afoot. I did feel like I was able to use my brain for an hour and do some critical thinking- a treat for the stay at home mom.
The pictures above are completely unneccesary but adorable shots of Jenna being June Cleaver- vacuuming in heels- and Jenna playing in the hamper in our room... at 10:15pm.
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