We hit the Town Park slopes on Sunday and brought the girls sledding for the first time. There were two areas- one a bit steeper than the other and Michaela was brave and tried both. Jenna stayed mostly in her baby sled and enjoyed being pulled around and watching her sister. Both Mommy and Daddy rode down the steeper hill with Michaela. It was a blast.
Michaela enjoyed two birthday parties this weekend- one at Jeepers and one at a bowling alley. Popular girl! She was pretty pooped from all the excitement by Sunday night.
Yesterday was our first day of the vacation week and we went to McDonald's with the Strauss boys and Judy followed by a great trip to the State Museum. We rode the Carosel a few times and stayed for long time on the NYC Subway car, aka "the train". The kids loved yelling, "All aboard!" and taking our tickets. One place we stopped had a wishing well and the kids all threw in pennies and made wishes. Michaela told me her wish... "I wish Brian and Bethie would come here right now... I hope it comes true!" I told her that I wished they could be here, too. However, they are at this moment enjoying the sun and sand of western Mexico on their vacation. Hope they are having a ball!!
Today is February SonShine, our church's vacation Bible school, in the afternoon. Michaela will go for three afternoons and then there is a closing program on Thursday night... we'll have to tape The Office...
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