Friday, October 9, 2009

Catching up.

The Snugglesaurus
I apologize for my lax blogging this week... I have been going a million miles an hour each day between the newborn, doctor's appointments (flu shots for the girls and pink eye for the boy), shopping for holiday wear before it all gets picked over, getting everyone where they need to be each day, and a fabulous 8th birthday thrown in on Thursday for good measure.
But I am happy to report that we have had a few very good nights with Alec; he is tolerating being in his crib more and more. He is eating well, nursing heartily and gaining weight (up to 9 pounds, 11 ounces as of today). He is just absolutely delicious and I could hug and kiss and snuggle with him all day. He is filling out his 3 month clothing slowly but surely and we are having fun dressing him in all his new clothes. Dan has only protested one outfit: a dinosaur- themed onesie that had a little tag on it that said "snugglesaurus" and had a matching hat and little dinosaur socks (see above). The girls and I fawned all over him and Dan just shook his head and said, Poor kid.
This weekend is a little quieter for us and I am hoping to catch up on lots of little projects: processing gifts from our family and friends, going through pictures, setting up the pack and play, getting my regular clothes down from the attic, going through the girls' summer clothes and packing them away, etc, etc, etc.
Have a great weekend!


  1. AHHHH-the life of the Delmar Matron Jr! Sounds like everyone is THRIVING and that is music to our ears! Love, Gammie and Pops

  2. I love that shopping for holiday outfits was right up there with getting flu shots and doctoring for pink eye! Priorities!!! LW
