Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Keeping up with the Big Girls

Not to be outdone by her sister, here is Jenna, complete with costume, shoes and hair...

(Sorry it's sideways!! I am trying to fix this.)


  1. THAT video is one of the most adorable things I have EVER seen and heard! IS SHE CUTE OR WHAT? Watch out Sharpei (SP?)!!! Love, Gammie

  2. That is too precious!!! I love watching her little personality shine in your videos and pics!Thanks for the smile...too cute!

  3. What a great video! Can I tell you I am possibly having a record breaking horrible day, and so far this is the one thing that put a big smile on my face! Hugs and kisses to the girls!!!

  4. You have to save this to play at her wedding reception! Sooooo cute!! Carrie
