Friday, October 31, 2008
Wrap Up: The Electric Blanket debate.
But after all that, I really don't care... I crank my electric blanket up to 9 every night and when I climb into bed, I just lay there like a mummy and thank the Sweet Lord that someone invented them.
It's positively delicious.
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
When Fantasy and Reality collide.
Here's the Reality:
I picked up a kit from the grocery store to make caramel apples. I think we made these once or twice when I was a kid and it's definitely a possibility that my mom bought a kit to do this in 1991 and may very well still have it in her pantry. (Love ya, Mommy!)
I explained to the girls that I'd like to make caramel apples. "Oooh, goody!" Michaela exclaimed. "Can I just have the caramel? "
We'll make them and then decorate them with sprinkles, I tell them. Then I realize that the chicken I'm roasting rules out the 'bake in a 200 degree oven for 15 minutes' part of the directions, so we move to plan B: the microwave. We stretch out the caramel to try to cover the apples and make a big mess. Tendrils of overstretched caramel are all over our hands. Jenna starts eating it off of her hands and declares, "I don't liked taramel."
When we get the apples covered, we microwave them for 20 seconds on high, which barely melts the caramel. After a few tries, at least it is semi-warm so we move on to the decorating part. I take out the sprinkles and ask the girls which one they'll like. They promptly start arguing about who is getting which sprinkles and I intervene at least twice so they stop yelling at each other. As I finish up rolling the apples in the sprinkles, the girls totally lose interest and instead start throwing bags of Smartfood popcorn at each other. "Popcorn fight!" is the battle cry.
While I am doing the final plating and presentation, Michaela and Jenna leave the room with the leftover caramel mushed into a little ball and go to the family room to watch SpongeBob Squarepants.
And this is the leftover scene in the kitchen:
So everytime you hear a story about someone's perfect family or heartwarming tradition, remember this story. There's two sides to everything: it's all how you spin it. Neither is totally untrue, just .... massaged.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Signs from above.
This morning I was able to sleep in until 8:20am, was not woken up by anyone, and discovered that the two little girls in my house had woken up, gotten dressed by themselves, and had poured my cereal and milk into a bowl and left me a note on the table next to the cereal bowl explaining "Dear Mama, Jenna and I made brekfast for you. Love, Mimio and Jenna" on green construction paper.
I almost wept with joy.
Mothers of young children, take heart!!! It only gets better!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
All Things Harvest-y.
So the Harvest Dance is an annual event held in the gym of the school with a very, very loud DJ playing very cute music (no 50 Cent) and a bunch of 5-10 year olds jumping/ dancing/ skipping/ conga-lining to the music. There was also some pizza and baked goods and crafts you could do while cooling down from dancing. Oh, and there were also about 200 parents standing around, watching their kids and glancing hopefully at their watches about every ten minutes.

Speaking of succeses, I also finished my apron project. It is ready to go for Thanksgiving morning. Bring on the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pies!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Barn Party Action!

Erin, Jenna, Jack and Michaela
Sara was a highly successful bobber!
Michaela tries her luck at bobbing.
No apple, but lots of fun!
Michaela and Aidan enjoy some hot chocolate.
Michael (The Dark Knight, not Batman) and Sara
Sara, Michaela, Jack as Scooby Doo and Jenna check out the dancing skeleton.
Jenna provides some type of motherly assurance to Erin.
Michaela, the Skeleton, and Jenna
Friday, October 24, 2008
Flashback Friday

October 2007

October 2008
October 2006
First Day of School 2006
Thursday, October 23, 2008
More signs of the season.
(Which leads me to this unrelated question I thought of while I was putting the blanket on... on a scale of one to ten- one being "Very!!" and ten being "Not at All!"- how White Trash is an electric blanket?
Food for thought.
Please comment.
I will post my analysis soon.)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have lots of little ways to help me escape from my mostly-wonderful-but-occasionally-need-a- good-diversion life. I was on a kick a few summers ago-when Jenna was at the height of her crying, nursing, clingy self- about living a Town and Country life. (Have you ever read Town and Country magazine? Full of society people and richness and yummy pictures and pretty things.) I got really into it and planned it all out: I would winter somewhere around Boston, where Dan would have a fabulous job to pay for all of this, and we would summer on Nantucket Island. Our Boston house would be a regal brownstone, comfortable yet elegant, and the Nantucket house would be beachy and carefree and all whitewashed and blue inside, with a little bit of lobster red thrown in. The girls and I would stay there for the summer, eating out, drinking in the culture and social scene and Dan would come in on the weekends. It was a pretty nice fantasy life.

Happy October! Happy Fall!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Family Party: High School Musical Style

The birthday girl with her Mom and Dad
Make a Wish!!
(Look at Uncle Mikey bending down to be in the picture.)
Michaela and Sara, who turned five on the day of the party.
Enjoying cupcakes on the deck
Opening presents... lots of High School Musical and Hannah Montana merchandise.
Thanks to my mom for letting me borrow her camera. And many, many thanks to our family and friends who made Michaela's birthday so special!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The End of an Era.
Who knew this day would ever come?
Friday, October 10, 2008
"Toadily" Me by Michaela
My name is: Michaela Libutti.
I am 48 inches tall.
My eyes are: brown.
My hair is: brown.
These are some words to describe me: pretty.
My favorite color is: pink.
My favorite toy is: all of them.
My favorite book is: Froggy Goes to Bed.
My favorite tv show is: Spongebob Squarepants.
My favorite school subject is: P.E.
When I have free time, I like to: draw.
There are four people in my family. I have one sister and zero brothers.
We have one pet: cat Kiara.
The best thing about my family is: they are fun.
This is what we like to do together: play games.
There is so much side commentary I could add to this... but will refrain.
I will, however, add that the day after I wrote my moving and touchy-feely letter about my newly-turned seven year old, I wanted to wring her neck. She was completely exasperating. A little too much birthday fun, me thinks.
Coming up this Sunday: the Family Party, High School Musical-style.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Birthday to Michaela!
Today is your seventh birthday and I couldn't be more excited for you. You are such the light of our lives and it is so fun to see you eagerly anticipating your special day with the presents, treats and attention that comes with it.
I had a whole letter planned to write out to you about how you grew in every way this year, but I will only say this: when people ask about you, I always say the same thing. "She's got the world on a string. I never have to worry about her." I mean, as a mom I worry about lots of stuff but you are so strong and smart and loving and caring that while little bumps come along here and there, deep down I know you have got this whole life thing figured out.
Here, in much shorter form than I first tried, are the 10 best parts about you right now:
1. You are as healthy as an ox.
2. You are caring and compassionate towards those who are hurting. You have very, very strong physical and emotional boundaries with everyone but when someone gets hurt or needs a friend, you are the go-to girl.
3. You have an awesome sense of humor and joy for life.
4. You are constantly in motion. Not hyper, just always moving. You love swimming and running and playing. And soccer, if you're in the mood.
5. You have a wonderful creative streak that I do all I can to nurture. You love to make jewelry, paint, draw, and have even tried your hand at scrapbooking and sewing.
6. You are so beautiful that you take my breath away. I can only imagine what you'll look like as an adult.
7. You are a fun, loyal friend and a loving sister. You have wonderful social skills and people skills.
8. You are so smart and so eager to have everyone see the world the same way that you do that you can manipulate anyone to do just about anything. You can figuratively split hairs in a discussion down to the molecular level. I have seen my own parents do things for you that have made my head spin. You have convinced me to do things that make my head spin. You are profoundly skilled at pushing the envelope as far as it can go and then retreating as soon as you know you've gone too far.
9. You adore animals- anything cute and furry. You play constantly with your stuffed animals of cats and dogs and squirrels and rabbits and bears. Your Webkins are your favorite toys right now.
10. You are a wonderful mix of little girl and big kid. Every once in a while you help us see that you're not quite as big as we all think and let us know you still want to be kissed and hugged and loved and comforted like we always have. Usually when you are trying to stay up later.
Happy Birthday, my baby, my big girl, my Mimi. You made Daddy and I parents and you are exactly what we wanted in a child. Thank you for being such a good girl; thank you for being with us in this journey through life; thank you for being YOU!
I love you with all my heart and soul,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Busy Weekend!
Sorry this is sideways. Michaela has painted her hand and was allowed- encouraged, even- to make a handprint on the bare wall of the store. I can feel my mother shuddering from here.
The back of Michaela's bird pillow: her name in block letters and three top-hat-wearing dancing hearts.
So going out did make me feel better and I'm continuing to look up information and mull over my options for the next camera... I'm sending this one back. I'll let you know what I decide...