Friday, September 28, 2012

Alec John Turns 3!!

My baby is three!  Can you believe that?  Three! And in preschool! And talking! And making eye contact with people!

He's three.  Three years old.

We celebrated his birthday on Tuesday, even though his birthday was actually Monday, but I had not bought him any gifts and was generally thoroughly unprepared. Poor third child. Tuesday was also the day we brought cupcakes in to school, so I figured we could condense it all to one day for less confusion.

I clearly remember bringing cupcakes in for Michaela's first birthday celebration in preschool and how much I fretted about them being perfect.  Ah, how times have changed- I am an old pro at this cupcake thing now.

The Preschool day started with him getting fitted for his yellow  crown.  You can tell he's not sure about this because his shoulders are up around his ears.

 But by snack time, he was ready to have his cupcakes.  Here he is with his teacher.

Later at home, after a quick dinner (one benefit of having a child who barely eats: no complicated Special Dinner requests on his birthday!) we enjoyed some cake and presents.

Here's his big gift: Switch and Go Dino, which is advertised about 27 times every morning on Nickelodeon and every time, Alec pointed to it and said, "I want that for my birrrrrthday.  You can get it at Walllmaaaaaarrrt."  He also got some Legos, the Shake Shake bridge from Thomas, a Thomas DVD, and an Imaginext fighter plane.  Real boy stuff.

 Happy Birthday to Alec John!

 Blowing out that last candle!
Over the weekend, my parents gave Alec his big gift from them: a train table with a complete train playset on top.  It is AMAZING.  My dad and Dan spent the morning putting it together and we moved the changing table out of his room (first time in 11 and a half years that changing table has been out of commission) and made room for the train table.  We closed the door and let him walk in and see it all set up.  He went ballistic with happiness and didn't even notice that the changing table was missing.  Which was great, since he's not one for much change, and I was a little worried that his room being disturbed would set him off a bit.

The train table has been popular with everyone who has seen it: Alec, his sisters, his parents, his grandparents, and even the neighborhood kids who come over to play.

Overall, it was a great birthday for Alec.  But I still can't believe that my cherubic golden boy- who I can still remember being pregnant with like it was yesterday- is already three.